Superficial FASCIA 

In the world of fascia research there is a rising fascia super 🤩 star: the superficial fascia. This is the fibroelastic component of our subcutaneous fat layer that surrounds the entire body underneath the skin.

It participates in just about every touch or movement practice you can imagine. And it's seldom covered in our A&P classes. 

Whether you’re a bodyworker using effleurage, petrissage, and compression; a teacher guiding your clients and students through movement, you are working with the superficial fascia!

Come explore this must-know anatomy with us! 

Just $79. Instant access.

Sign up today!

Here's what you'll find in the Superficial Fascia Mini Course:

Join us as we journey beneath the skin  to explore the superficial fascia and our subcutanous tissue. 

We'll map out its anatomy, explore its many jobs, and see it in the dissection lab. As always, all our course content will be grounded in recent research. 

Your Superficial Fascia Mini Course includes . . .

Anatomy🎨ART: Superficial Fascia

A beautiful, downloadable, and sharable Anatomy🎨ART Card, stylized from a real image from the dissection lab with detailed explanation on the back.


This extended edition of Anatomy📖ZINE explores the superficial fascia in the larger context of the subcutaneous tissue just underneath the skin.


Come to the Dissection Lab with us for two brief videos on the superficial fascia. We look comparatively at the superficial fascia of the lumbar region and the anterior thigh. 


Your ticket to Anatomy☕️LOUNGE is included in the mini-course. In this LIVE webinar, we'll explore images from the dissection lab, the latest research and the implications for hands-on therapists. Join us live online on January 6th or watch the replay! 

. . . and some other Cool😎 STUFF we've pulled together for you!

Sign up and start exploring today!