Fascia-nated about the Low Back?

Did you ever think about how our spine is rooted into our pelvis which is then rooted into our legs? It's all through fascial relationships!

Join us in the lab for the ROOTED SPINE as we uncover the fascial, muscular, and skeletal architecture of the low back and posterior pelvis. We’ll explore how fascia creates spinal and pelvic stability, participates in core strength and just might be a key player in low back pain.

2024 workshop calendar is coming soon!

📢 New workshop dates coming soon!  🥳

Ready to come to the lab with us? Get on the list to be among the first to know when we release our workshop calendar is updated. 

Join us in the lab as we uncover the fascial, muscular, and skeletal architecture of the low back and pelvis! What to expect: 

  • Two days of dissection ✍️ lab & classroom 🎨 learning
  • Fresh-tissue human forms (no chemical embalming)
  • Small classes by design (less than 20 students)
  • Online content 💻 to get you ready before you arrive on site
  • AnatomySCAPES' Lab Manual📖 (~75pages)
  • Instructors: AnatomySCAPES Co-Directors Rachelle Clauson 👩‍🏫 & Nicole Trombley 👩🏻‍🏫
  • CEs📚: Approved for 10CE hours through NCBTMB
  • 📍Located in San Diego, CA ☀️ 

We'll delve into fascial anatomy, learning the types of fascia — from superficial to deep — and how they relate to each other in the lumbar region and posterior pelvis. Our curriculum is broken down into these sections:

What is Fascia?

Fascia gets a lot of credit for doing a lot of things. Is that for real?? We'll take a look at what research is actually uncovering about fascia and what it means in the anterior pelvis. We'll spend some time grounding ourselves in the basics of fascia: its composition, anatomy and functions. We all talk about fascia all the time, but what is it really?

The AnatomySCAPES

As we move through the body's anatomy, we'll explore the larger picture of how our bodies' textures are organized and how they relate to each other. We'll take you through the layers of the human form, pausing along the way for you to touch, feel and palpate the textures and relationships. This will change your perception of what you are feeling under the skin.

Fascia Celebs

Fascia celebs are part of the denser fibrous deep fascia of the torso and posterior pelvis: from the thoracolumbar fascia to the sacrotuberous ligamentForce transmission and stabilization are their game! We'll dissect the deep fascia of the posterior pelvis! 

Movers & Shakers

We will be sure to say hello to some muscles. We’ll pay particular attention to the muscles of the lumbar region and posterior hip: lats, glutes, parapsinals, piriformis, and friends! In the context of the 3D human form, they are critical players in spinal and core stability, as well as pelvic heaIth.

Fascia's Function

Grounded in our new understanding of fascia's anatomy, we'll explore fascia's role in force transmission, proprioception and motor coordination. We'll look at how fascia is innervated and how it just might play a key role in pain. 

It's all connected!

You know how they always say, "It's all connected!"? Those connections aren't random. We'll take a look at how fascial continuities of the abdomen, pelvis and lumbar region are organized.

What other Anatomy❤️LOVERS are saying...

"It was such an amazing experience to be in the lab with all of you. I have a deeper appreciation for the fluffy cloud body and those adipose globules and all the different layers. My capacity to be with living tissue in my clients is once again deeply enhanced by being witness to the internal spaces of the body.

"This is how anatomy in PT school should have been! Thank you so much for creating this MUCH NEEDED offering to guide us through the fascial connections of the body. I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn form you both. I will definitely start using all that I learned in my practice ASAP! I’ll be back! This was much fun! Excellent job putting this all together! You rock, Rachelle & Nicole!"

Here is an overview of the structure of this workshop. Completion of all segments is required. Thank you for planning accordingly.

Part ONE: Get ready!

Put on your stretchy pants and get comfy! Your fascia journey starts from the comfort of your own home with our ONLINE SEGMENT. This part of the course includes your LAB MANUAL and pre-workshop INTRO CALL via Zoom. 

Lab Manual

Our LAB MANUAL for the Rooted Spine is your pre-reading assignment. Designed to read like a fun, glossy magazine, we cover some key concepts of fascial anatomy AND introduce you to many of the anatomical structures we will likely encounter in the Lab. 

Intro Call

A week before our IN-PERSON days in the lab, we'll join together on a brief Zoom call for introductions, orientation and to answer any questions you might have. This will help orient you to the lab space, our plan for the workshop help you get prepared!

Part TWO: In Person

It's time to head to the anatomy lab for two days of learning here in sunny San Diego, CA.

Together in the lab we will explore fascia from superficial to deep, and everything in between. The in-lab segment consists of :

  • Live DISSECTION and EXPLORATION of fascial tissues. 
  • Classroom LECTURE & DISCUSSIONS on key concepts and applications for our bodywork and movement practices.


Our courses are full of engaging multimedia presentations. We GIVE you the known facts and current science about the Fascial System. See the micro and macro images BUILD the matrix with your own hands with fun 3D models.

🌌Vibrant Slide Decks

🕺🏻Movement Integrations

✂️Clarifying 3D Models

🙌Palpation Skill Building

Lab Time

We'll take you into the DISSECTION LAB for live exploration of fascial tissues. We'll explore with reverence and joy and beautifully and respectfully REVEAL the real anatomy and see the RELATIONSHIPS of the tissues.

✍️ Live Dissection

📺 Hi-Def Monitors

🔬Live Microscope Images

🥣Grounding Meditations

Who should attend?

The workshop is geared toward licensed hands-on professionals: massage therapists, midwives, chiropractors, acupuncturists, physical therapists, RNs etc. are welcome! You will be asked for your credentials when you register. Please contact us if you have questions regarding eligibility. 

2024 workshop coming soon!